At Huon, we believe that disease control in salmon requires a holistic approach. Good site management, fish husbandry and rigorous biosecurity measures are central to reducing the risk of disease outbreaks and controlling the spread of infectious diseases.

Vaccines are important in preventing disease outbreaks but cannot control all losses. Medication such as antibiotics are also important but should only be used as a last line of defence to avoid significant animal welfare issues and stock losses. This mind-set means that we are continually working to develop proactive diet regimes and vaccines to allow our salmon to combat known illnesses and lead healthy lives.

If our vet feels there is a need to treat fish with antibiotics it is supervised, reported and strictly regulated by government.

It is important to note that the antibiotics are allowed to pass through the fish long before it is harvested, in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Across our freshwater sites, Huon has not used antibiotics at any of our land-based hatcheries since January 2019.

Across the industry, antibiotic use has significantly decreased due to a range of reasons including improved biosecurity, fish welfare practices and selective breeding.

Huon also participates in an annual national residue survey to monitor levels of therapeutants, ensuring we comply with a maximum residue limit, which refers to the highest concentrations of a chemical residue that is legally permitted or accepted in a food, based on good agricultural and chemical use practices.